Fresh Summer Peach Quick Bread

Jessica Shelton
3 Min Read

It’s my favorite time of the season again, friends: Peach time!  Every year, I wait not-so-patiently for the local farmstands to put out their “We have PEACHES!” signs.  Every year, I get bushel after bushel of the fuzzy little beauties to stuff in my face, my food, and my freezer before this glorious time has passed and my preciouses are gone for good (until next summer).  Every year, I look for new ways to prepare my favorite summer fruit, and this year is no different.  I hadn’t even realized it before, but I’ve never had peach bread.  As a matter of fact, I don’t recall ever even seeing peach bread before the magic of Pinterest.  I’m almost embarrassed to admit how excited I was to try it.  I love quick breads, and when I saw that I could make one with my favorite fruit, I knew I had to have it.  Boy, was I right.  Where has this stuff been all my life?  This loaf has a perfectly moist crumb, studded with chunks of soft, sweet peaches, and crunchy, toasty pecans.  This peach quick bread going to be a new summertime favorite around my house; I hope you’ll make it one of yours.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 3 c. all-purpose flour
  • 1 T. baking powder
  • 1/2 to 1 T. cinnamon (depending on your fondness for cinnamon)
  • 1 t. salt
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1 T. vanilla extract
  • 2 c. fresh peaches, peeled and diced (3-4 medium sized peaches)
  • 1 c. chopped pecans, divided

Preheat the oven to 325 and prepare two small (mine are just under 8″x4″) loaf pans with butter and flour or baking spray.  Set aside.

In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon.  In a smaller bowl, mix together the eggs, sugar, and vanilla.  Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix until combined. The dough will be pretty thick at this point.

Next, mix in the peaches, being a little careful not to mash them up too much.  The moisture from the peaches should loosen up the dough considerably and make it more batter-like.  Now, fold in the 3/4 of the pecans and then divide the batter evenly between your two pans.  Sprinkle the remaining pecans over the tops of the loaves and bake for 55-65 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean.  (I checked mine at 55 minutes and went another 7 before it was done.)

Remove from the oven and cool in the pans on a wire rack for 15-20 minutes.  Enjoy warm or cooled.  Store in an airtight container.

You’ll also love this Blueberry Buttermilk Breakfast Cake.

Happy Summer, everyone!!

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