Five Weeks from Seed to Table

Growing vegetables from seed is probably one of the greatest pleasures of gardening. You can see the whole process from seed to table and taste the results of your labor. Nothing compares to your own seed-grown, juicy, just-picked tomatoes, still warm from the sun. Garden vegetables also have far superior flavor and nutritional value than those found in stores. However,…

Michael Feldmann Michael Feldmann

Garden Planning Made Easy: Two DIY Garden Planners

In the tens of thousands of years that people have cultivated the land to raise food for themselves, humans have had to come up with the most efficient ways to plan out just how they will pull it off.  Where will the crops and veggies go?  When?  Who will do all the work and do we need to hunker down…

Magdalena Alvarez Magdalena Alvarez

Hydroponic Gardening for Anyone, Anywhere

Hydroponic gardening is not new, but it has seen an increase in popularity lately.  This is easily understandable, as hydroponics require minimal space, use 90% less water, and can grow herbs, fruits, vegetables, and flowers in half the time of a traditional garden.  Hydroponic gardening also decreases the risk of soil fungus, wildlife, and pests.  If you want to create…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores
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Food Forever: Creating a Perennial Food Forest

Growing our own produce is an important part of the homesteading lifestyle.…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Early Spring Wild Edibles: It’s Time to Go Foraging!

Leaves are unfurling in the masses, enjoying the warm sun and gentle…

Cheryl Magyar Cheryl Magyar

Helpful Homestead Hacks: Work Easier, Relax Harder

Homesteading can be tough, but there are tips and tricks—hacks—for any area…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Permaculture: The Truly Sustainable Way of Life

What is Permaculture? Permanent agriculture.  A system for feeding and caring for…

Karyn Sweet Karyn Sweet

Morel Hunters: Foraging for Morel Mushrooms

When the trees are sporting their new green leaves and the ground…

Melissa Hartner Melissa Hartner

Making The Most Of Shade: Plan, Plant, and Grow a Shade Garden

How to plan, plant, and grow a fabulous garden that lightens up…

Michael Feldmann Michael Feldmann

Garden Planning Made Easy: Two DIY Garden Planners

In the tens of thousands of years that people have cultivated the…

Magdalena Alvarez Magdalena Alvarez

Food Content

Five Weeks from Seed to Table

Growing vegetables from seed is probably one of the greatest pleasures of…

Michael Feldmann Michael Feldmann

Early Spring Wild Edibles: It’s Time to Go Foraging!

Leaves are unfurling in the masses, enjoying the warm sun and gentle…

Cheryl Magyar Cheryl Magyar

Food Forever: Creating a Perennial Food Forest

Growing our own produce is an important part of the homesteading lifestyle.…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores