Homesteading Life

Homesteading articles about Life on the Homestead pertaining to homesteaders, family, farming, animal husbandry, history, and myriad other topics discussed at, collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

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Homesteading Blunders

I would assume that most people reading this are either homesteaders or…

Pam Silvis Pam Silvis

The Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Homesteader

Returning to the land is a desire that has coursed through the…

Wren Everett Wren Everett

Small-scale Homesteading: How Much Do You Really Need?

I subscribe to a number of homesteading blogs.  One in particular chronicles…

Rebecca Long Rebecca Long

Homesteading Requires a Keen Edge: Knives on the Homestead

What’s the most oft-used tool on the homestead? Whether cutting vegetables for…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

Work/Life Balance for a Happy Homestead

The Quest for the Precious Farmers have been extolled throughout history for…

Norah Messier Norah Messier

The Pros and Cons of Homesteading: Dealing with Loss on the Homestead

The Bible says, “For everything there is a season, and time for…

Bobbi-Jo Irwin Bobbi-Jo Irwin

The Unsung Benefits of Homesteading (There’s a Perfectly Good Reason for the Egg in My Pocket.)

Oh sure, we all know the perks of growing our own food,…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

Insider’s Guide to Buying a New Car, Homesteader Style

When I was younger, I worked as a new car salesman for…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

First Morning on the Homestead: Embracing Newfound Freedom

“The Blue Goat” homestead is located in Anderson County, Texas.  This is…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

The Hesitant Homesteader

I love the idea of living on a homestead. When my husband…

Bobbi-Jo Irwin Bobbi-Jo Irwin

Keeping Skunks at Bay

Anyone old enough to remember the classic Looney Tunes cartoons is familiar…

Jo Ann Abell Jo Ann Abell