Homesteading Life

Homesteading articles about Life on the Homestead pertaining to homesteaders, family, farming, animal husbandry, history, and myriad other topics discussed at, collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

Latest Homesteading Life News

Homestead Besieged!

Modern homesteading is difficult.  Rabbits love tender garden sprouts; every wild thing…

Betty Taylor Betty Taylor

Just Like Grandma Used to Do: Homesteading Role Models

My father was the youngest of seven children. He grew up on…

Bobbi-Jo Irwin Bobbi-Jo Irwin

Off-Grid Generalizations: Common Misconceptions of Off-Grid Folks

Any walk of life has its own set of harsh stereotypes associated…

Wren Everett Wren Everett

Seeing Potential in the Unlikeliest of Places

Turning a 1928 Bungalow into a Farmhouse and Other Misadventures America in…

Norah Messier Norah Messier

The 4-Hour Homestead Workweek

I’m about to share a secret recipe for peace, tranquility, and income…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Paying Attention: The Most Important Skill on Your Homestead

In the grand scheme of acquiring, establishing, and running your homestead, you…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

While You’re Waiting: How to Start Homesteading Today

The homesteading life is one that is admired by most and desired…

Sabrina Hair Sabrina Hair

Crofting Life

A croft is a smallholding (a parcel of rural land under 10…

Magdalena Perks Magdalena Perks

Don’t Quit Your Day Job – Bringing Home the Bacon So You Can Afford to Feed the Pigs

Dreaming about living in the country is easy, even when you’re not…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

Garden Season Extenders and Cold-Weather Husbandry

It may seem strange to think about cold weather when it is…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Transitioning from City Life to Homestead Life: 4 Essential Steps

Are you looking for your next adventure? Are you in need of…

Jennifer Bell Jennifer Bell

Laws of Attraction and the Importance of a Good Sense of Humor on the Homestead

I recently read one of the more popular books regarding the Laws…

Sherrie Taylor Sherrie Taylor