
Humor filled homesteading articles about homesteaders, family, farming, animal husbandry, history, and myriad other topics discussed at, collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

Latest Humor News

Humor on the Homestead: You Have to Laugh in this Lifestyle

A farmer goes to the bank every week, takes out $100 in…

Barbara Bamberger-Scott Barbara Bamberger-Scott

Why Don’t Jukeboxes Offer “None of the Above”?

You know, it's getting where music really ticks me off. Okay, I…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton

Oxygen Farming for Fun and Profit

There was a tradesman here the other day to correct certain abnormalities…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton

I’m From the Universe and I’m Here to Help

My family and I attended an unschooling conference recently.  We were pumped,…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

The Mad Squirrel Bombing Run

  Unfortunately squirrels don’t scream when they fall, not the way people…

Lloyd Tackitt Lloyd Tackitt

Barn Cats: Thugs of the Homestead

Working when they feel like it, sleeping the day away, partying all…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

My Guardian Donkey: Burden of Beasts

Here on Ivy Hill Farm, there are two epochs: BC (Before Clara)…

Sue Dick Sue Dick

Half-Caff Country: A Chicken Comedy

Half-caff.  You coffee drinkers know the term.  It’s not quite the "real"…

T. Zoe Kimmel T. Zoe Kimmel

The Collie Who Tried to End It All

Back in the Bad Old Days, when I was a practicing real…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton

There is Only One Way, DAMMIT, to Pronounce Missouri!

Alright, enough is enough! I've got to get something off my chest…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton

Horror Among the Hickories

It’s hard to turn on the tube or pick up a paper…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton

We’re Being Mugged by Mother Nature

One of the biggest reasons I enjoy living out in the woods…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton