
Homesteading Construction articles collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

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A Better Cabin, Quicker and Cheaper – Part 2

Who doesn’t long for their own piece of terra firma (or soil),…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

Nothing Simplifies Rural Life Like Fencing

Excerpted from Neil's latest book LandBook - An owner's manual for rural land…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton

The Missouri Journal

Like a lot of people who approach middle age, I started to…

Mark Chenail Mark Chenail

Rescuing Rural Churches

  Rural areas of North America are punctuated at measured intervals by…

Magdalena Perks Magdalena Perks

Gotta Getta Ger: Buying a Yurt for the Homestead

  We have the land. We have a house we are selling.…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

An Illustrated History of Log Cabins

  Just down the road from our house sits a sagging cabin…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

Rockin’ Out With the Stones… Homesteader Style: Building a Natural Stone Fireplace Surround

  Nothing says “log cabin in the pines” like a big solid…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

You Can Afford Your Homestead Dream, Part Two: Transform That Crummy Trailer into A Dream Home

  In my previous article, “You Can Afford Your Homestead Dream,” I…

Tony Colella Tony Colella