
Homesteading Construction articles collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

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Pros & Cons of Living in an Alternative Home: Steel Quonset

There’s something special about building your own home, whether you build it…

Kristin Grant Kristin Grant

Throwing in the Towel: How to Move to the Country Fast and Cheap

"For I, methinks, till I grow old, As fair before me shall…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton

Home Winterization Anyone Can Tackle

There's something romantic or heartwarming about seeing a home in a clearing…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

You Can Afford Your Homestead Dream..You May Not Recognize it at First.

Do you dream of one day owning a homestead of your own,…

Tony Colella Tony Colella

Preparing the Homestead for Winter, Part One: The Buildings

Winter is a lot like death and taxes… it’s one of the…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

Secrets to Turning a Rent-to-Own Storage Building into a House, Part One

In ten years on my homestead, I have built many buildings from…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Got Shelter in the Bag? Earthbag Homes on the Homestead

So, you’ve finally found the perfect land to homestead.  It’s got everything:…

Magdalena Alvarez Magdalena Alvarez

For Sale By Owner: Needs a Little Work

The old house crouched in the weeds, summoning as much dignity as…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

So, You Want to Live Off Grid, Eh?

Today's hottest trend is off-grid living; unplug, disconnect, and get back to…

Bobbie Gore Bobbie Gore

Simple Solar Projects

Solar power is sweeping the nation and for good reason.  Solar energy…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Multi-purpose Chicken Tractors

Our poultry tractors used to sit dormant in between bird batches, now…

May Woodworth May Woodworth

The Summer Kitchen: Why It’s Still a Good Idea

Once, on a late September day, my dear hubby came home, opened…

Bonnie Lavigne Bonnie Lavigne