
Homesteading Ecology articles collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

Latest Ecology News

Green Burial: The Frugal Funeral for an Ecological Eternity

We spend our lives trying to get back to our Earthly roots,…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

Waste Not, Want Not: Repurposing on the Homestead

Growing up in the rural Midwest, and being a child not unlike…

Adrianne Masters Adrianne Masters

Bats & Guano: Gifts From the Garden Gods

Say the words feces, scat, feculence, crap, caca, and a shovel-full of…

Alan Ray Alan Ray

Wintering Bees

Before you read "Wintering Bees", have you read "Getting Ready to Get…

Kim Flottum Kim Flottum

Preparing Bees for Winter: Getting Ready to Get Bees Ready For Winter

This was article supposed to be something about how honey bees and…

Kim Flottum Kim Flottum

Eco-friendly Tips for a More Sustainable Home

Most people find that making small green changes around the home is…

Andrew Brusnahan Andrew Brusnahan

Going Bats! The Benefits of Bat Houses on Your Homestead

Do you want to know how amazing bats are?  I imagine some…

Patricia Halderman Patricia Halderman

Growing a Butterfly Garden: Host Plants to Attract Butterflies

Whether you just want to have lovely, colorful things flitting around in…

Kathy Kish Kathy Kish

Simple Solar Projects

Solar power is sweeping the nation and for good reason.  Solar energy…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Becoming a Certified Wildlife Habitat

There's never a bad time to think about conservation and helping out…

Charles Powers Charles Powers

Beneficial Bugs

When I first started gardening, I knew I would probably be spending…

Karyn Sweet Karyn Sweet

Check Out These Seeds! Grow Hardy Plants and Preserve the Food Chain with a Seed Library

Grow Hardy Plants and Preserve the Food Chain with a Seed Library…

Kathy Kish Kathy Kish