Tag: Weather

Blizzards: Furies of Nature

Today, the Great Plains is an area of great resources and beauty.…

Dorothy Rieke Dorothy Rieke

Gardening by the Moon

"That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." …

Catherine Lugo Catherine Lugo

Solutions for Growing Food Year Round on a Cold Climate Homestead

I am fortunate to live in an area where winter temperatures rarely…

Elizabeth Waddington Elizabeth Waddington

Create a Future-Proof Homestead: Planning for Climate and Cultural Changes

Tooting My Own Horn (Briefly). At the beginning of 2020, I predicted…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Staying Cool Without Air Conditioning on the Homestead

The cicadas are rasping out a mid-summer melody.  The air is still,…

Wren Everett Wren Everett

A Day in the Delta

“Thank God we finally made it to Dumas!”  I never thought these…

Gwen Miller Gwen Miller

Reading the Weather

The ability to read the weather is a valuable skill practiced by…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Weather Lore and Superstitions

  “Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take…

Sherrie Taylor Sherrie Taylor