Tag: Technology

A Practical Guide For Controlling Technology

I’m an off-grid homesteader, which means I come from a pretty extreme…

Wren Everett Wren Everett

The Peanut Man: George Washington Carver

"I believe the Great Creator has put oil and ores on this…

Barbara Bamberger-Scott Barbara Bamberger-Scott

Future Homesteading

What is the Future of Homesteading? I have to make the confession…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton

Homestead Tech: Where’s my Signal?

  In the 1960’s TV series Green Acres, the main character “Oliver”, who…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Helpful Homesteading Apps

  Of all the names people call homesteaders—come on, you know we…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores