Tag: Prepping

Emergency Food Storage

As a homesteader and a prepper, I believe in having stored food.…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Homesteader’s Guide to Emergency Childbirth

I’d like to talk to you about how to handle an emergency…

Magdalena Alvarez Magdalena Alvarez

Darkness Tomorrow: No Electricity for A Year

"Honey, did you pay the electric bill?" "Yes, I paid it." "Then…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Off-Grid Generalizations: Common Misconceptions of Off-Grid Folks

Any walk of life has its own set of harsh stereotypes associated…

Wren Everett Wren Everett

Create a Future-Proof Homestead: Planning for Climate and Cultural Changes

Tooting My Own Horn (Briefly). At the beginning of 2020, I predicted…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Homesteaders vs Survivalists

Homesteaders vs. Survivalists: Conflicting Interests or Alternative Routes to the Same Destination?…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

Homestead Prepping: Buying a Bug Out Location (Buying a B.O.L.)

About two years ago, while selling real estate for a broker who…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

A Homesteader’s Guide to Covid-19 Coronavirus: This is Not a Drill

The following is a common-sense guide to prepare your homestead for the…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly