Tag: DIY

Secrets to Turning a Rent-to-Own Storage Building into a House, Part Two

Repeat after me, “Blocking, blocking, blocking!” If there is one thing on…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Black Gold: Make Your Own Natural Charcoal

We haven’t set the mountain on fire... yet.  But it is always…

Martina Kuhnert Martina Kuhnert

The Profitable Homestead: How to Take Your Homestead from Hobby to Profit

It is exciting to consider the possibilities of taking your successful hobby…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Homemade Fire Cider to Fight Colds and Flu

Winter is approaching and that means we can look forward to more…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

My Homestead Income: Selling Goat’s Milk Soap for Profit

Over the last ten years or so, and around my various “off…

Kristen Embry Kristen Embry

Doctoring on the Homestead: An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Let’s face it: at some point in life, there is a distinct…

Lacey Thacker Lacey Thacker

Top 5 Reasons to Can Your Own Meat

Every year I can nearly 200 pounds of meat.  I normally can…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Making Labneh Cheese: Food Without Electricity

So as I went on and on about how excited I am…

Scout Satya Scout Satya

A Farm-hand’s Life: Shearing Sheep

When the scraper first hits, the compacted, manure-laden hay feels like concrete. …

Matthew Surabian Matthew Surabian

The $8.16 Do-It-Yourself Garden Irrigator

Our half-acre lot in the ’burbs is shaded by nine mature silver…

Bruce Andis Bruce Andis

Grow an Herbal Skincare Garden: 7 Easy-to-Grow Herbs for Naturally Healthy Skin

You grow herbs for culinary uses and maybe herbal remedies, but did…

Angela Palmer Angela Palmer

To Sew or Not to Sew

When people think about all the many different tasks that are done…

Melody Cox Melody Cox