Tag: Construction

Gimme Shelter (And I’d Like it to Look Like…a House, Please)

There are several options available to the new landowner-slash-rural-inhabitant, some appealing, some…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

Natural Building Colloquium of Kerrville, TX: Getting Down and Dirty with Mother Nature

If you are thinking and have been reading about Alternative and Natural…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

How Chicken Wire and Concrete Solved My Problems

As some of you may know from reading my Missouri Journal, I…

Mark Chenail Mark Chenail

The Actively Passive Home — New Construction Using Old Rules

“Wait.  You forgot to draw in the HVAC closet”, said the young…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

The Simplest House of All: The Dacha Series

One of the first concerns of new homesteaders is to provide themselves…

Mark Chenail Mark Chenail

Coop Considerations: Quick-Start Guide to Building a Chicken Coop

Building a chicken coop, especially from scratch, can be exhilarating and exhausting,…

Chris Lesley Chris Lesley

Preparing the Homestead for Winter, Part Two: The Machinery

If you haven't yet, read Preparing the Homestead for Winter, Part One:…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

A Better Cabin, Quicker and Cheaper – Part 2

Who doesn’t long for their own piece of terra firma (or soil),…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

Nothing Simplifies Rural Life Like Fencing

Excerpted from Neil's latest book LandBook - An owner's manual for rural land…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton

The Missouri Journal

Like a lot of people who approach middle age, I started to…

Mark Chenail Mark Chenail

Rescuing Rural Churches

  Rural areas of North America are punctuated at measured intervals by…

Magdalena Perks Magdalena Perks

Gotta Getta Ger: Buying a Yurt for the Homestead

  We have the land. We have a house we are selling.…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon