Tag: Alternative medicine

Herbal Remedies on the Homestead: Tinctures, Teas, Syrups, and Salves

Using Herbal Remedies on the Homestead One of the greatest benefits of…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Cannabis 101

Introduction to Cannabis Cannabis hasn’t always been a controversial substance. In fact,…

Kimi Ceridon Kimi Ceridon

Time to Tincture

Growing herbs seems to be a feast-or-famine venture. Spring and summer are…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Grow an Herbal Skincare Garden: 7 Easy-to-Grow Herbs for Naturally Healthy Skin

You grow herbs for culinary uses and maybe herbal remedies, but did…

Angela Palmer Angela Palmer

Garden Therapy: Getting in Touch with Your Roots

My introduction to gardening began with time spent in my grandfather’s garden.…

Laurie Charpentier Laurie Charpentier

Essiac Tea: Hope in a Cup

Rene Caisse was a modest, humble, hardworking nurse from Canada when she…

Catherine Lugo Catherine Lugo

Making Oxymels: The Sweet-Tart Medicine

Oxymel... what an odd word.  The etymology of the word actually gives…

Linda Zimnick Linda Zimnick

Delightful Scents: Using Essential Oils for Health and Home

In 1964, Dr. Jean Valnet said, "It is conceivable that the day…

Karyn Sweet Karyn Sweet

How to Grow a Food Forest in Five Years

In times of uncertainty such as these, becoming as self-sufficient as you…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Utilizing Trees on the Homestead: Crafts to Cure-alls

  When you become a homesteader, you notice how much nature is…

Isabella Fisher Isabella Fisher

Reclaim Your Health with Raw Milk

  Raw milk.  The term makes many people shudder.  Most states don’t…

Melissa Hartner Melissa Hartner

Mineral-rich Weeds

  Picking mineral-rich weeds like dandelion, clover, chickweed, and plantain is a…

Lisa Maloney Lisa Maloney